November 2016 Spirit Food

Once you are presented with what the Word of God has to say about an issue, you are responsible for receiving His love, grace, & favor; and the gift of His righteousness. Remember, you are greatly blessed, highly favored, and deeply loved by your Heavenly Father.
This month, let us focus on the fact that you are God’s Beloved!
Ephesians 1:6 - to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
Mankind needs to comprehend there is an Almighty God who loves them so much, that He gave His only Son to pay the price for all of mankinds sin (past, present, and future), and in acceptance of this, we receive His grace, mercy, favor, and blessing. (John 3:16)
When Jesus walked the earth, He was baptized at the Jordan River. During that event, Jesus heard His Father say to Him, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22) Later, in the wilderness, Jesus heard the devil say to Him, “If You are the Son of God…” (Luke 4:3)
The devil not only questioned Jesus’ sonship, but he also dropped the word “beloved” when he said to Jesus, “If You are the Son of God…” You see, the devil cannot remind you that you are God’s beloved because when you know this truth, whatever he wants to bring against you, will not succeed!
As each individual within mankind comprehends Jesus came and paid the price, enabling them to be free of condemnation, and understand they have been made the righteousness of God as a result of what Jesus’ finish work on the cross; they will grow in His love and establish a deeper relationship with their creator. Unfortunately, many people today are involved in all manner of evilness, because they don’t understand their value. Many young people are giving away their virginity because they need to feel wanted and loved. People join gangs to feel accepted because they have been rejected and made to feel worthless by others.
However, when you know that you are God’s beloved, no temptation can succeed against you, not even the “giants” who may taunt you. Consider David who slew Goliath. (1 Samuel 17) “David” in Hebrew means “beloved”. It takes a David to knock down a giant. In other words, it takes someone who knows that he is God’s beloved, to win the fights of life!
You are God’s beloved, not because of what you do, but because you accepted what Jesus did on the cross for mankind/you. Jesus (Christ=our Redeemer) did everything. He is God’s Beloved, and because you are in Christ, God sees you as His beloved in Christ! That is why you are “accepted in the Beloved”. And what God said to Jesus, He says to you today: You are My beloved son/daughter. In you, I am well pleased.
So if the devil comes to you with something like: Hey, you call yourself “God’s beloved” after what you just did? Have the assurance that your being God’s beloved, is not based on what you have done, but what Christ has done. And you are still God’s beloved because you are in Christ!
When you speak the words “I am God’s beloved.” the devil has frustration, because he has no power over you when you are conscious that you are God’s beloved. There is truly a place of safety when you know that you are His beloved.
We are not being proud or showing excessive self-esteem when we call ourselves God’s beloved. It is not boasting when we know that it is God’s grace that has made us accepted in the Beloved!
2 Corinthians 3:18 - But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
While you are getting ready for your day, and occasionally throughout the day, we as humans look in a mirror. Of course, you see yourself and ensure your looks are “presentable” to the rest of mankind. Beyond seeing yourself in the natural, God desires you to see yourself the way He sees you. You may be sick, weak, broke and depressed, yet God wants you to see yourself the way He sees you—healed, strong, favored and whole because Christ (our redeemer) is in you. (Colossians 1:27)
God desires you to behold as in a mirror, the glory of His Son who is in you by His Holy Spirit. As you do this, His Word says that you are being transformed from glory to glory—sick to healed, loser to winner!
The world may say to you, “It can’t be that easy. You can’t be transformed just by beholding the glory of Jesus. No, you must do something about you. If you don’t put in effort, nothing will happen. If you don’t start making changes, nothing will change.” The world however, does not understand that as you are beholding the glory of the Lord, who is the successful one within you, you are being transformed from a failure to a success. And this is not accomplished by any effort of yours to get ahead in life, but by the Spirit of the Lord! (Zechariah 4:6)
As you behold the glory of the Lord who is the healthy one in your sick body (if you have symptoms of sickness in your body), you are transformed from sickness to health. This is not accomplished by any effort of yours to keep fit and eat well, but by the Spirit of the Lord! Yes, we should be smart about what we eat, drink and ensure we have exercise to keep our body maintained properly, but our health comes from the Spirit of the Lord within each individual.
What can be easier than beholding the beauty of the Jesus? "Yea, he is altogether lovely." (Song of Solomon 5:16). So stop focusing on yourself and your efforts. Look away from these things and begin to behold the glory of Jesus who is in you right now, and you will begin to behold the miracles that you need!
Yes, we have things to accomplish in this world, but God’s timing is perfect. The world as we know it has become “demand oriented”, and the people of this world many times place unreasonable goals/expectations on others, with the threat of negativity (even so-called Christians, due to a lack of knowledge). Don’t bow to the pressure of time … listen to the Holy Spirit within you and follow His leading. This will ensure that you are at the correct place at the correct time, doing the correct thing, to bring His perfect will to pass in your life. Remember, you are in charge/control of your joy. Don’t allow someone else to take your inner joy away … just consider the fact that they are “demand oriented”, they’re not following the leading of the Holy Spirit to ensure God’s will comes to pass regarding the outcome.
Remember, you are God’s beloved … highly favored, greatly blessed, and deeply loved!
If you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and desire to at this time, pray this following prayer out load, so you can hear it with your ears.
Heavenly Father, your Word says in Romans 10:9-10- “that if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead, that I would be saved. For with the heart one believes unto salvation.” I believe your Word, Heavenly Father, and confess Jesus Christ (the anointed one and His anointing) as Lord of my life now. I believe that You raised Him from the dead. I confess that I was a sinner, but now I’ve been saved by Your grace, and in Your thoughts, I am now in right standing with You. I denounce Satan and all he stands for. Write my name in the Lamb’s book of Life. In Jesus Name. Amen (so be it).
Congratulations! If this is your first time praying this prayer, please write and let us know!
Should you decide to give and financially support this ministry with gifts given in faith, I join my faith with yours to see the devourer rebuked (Malachi 3:11) and for you to receive a harvest; pressed down, shaken together and running over (Luke 6:38). Please remember to name your seed!
Dr. Mark Krom, Ph.D., D.Psy
Minister/Clinical Pastoral Psychologist